
Example of a simple Trend

KRD Pravin

What is a Trend?

The trend is 'a general direction of movement' either ways. In case of product development, improving the product in fit, form or function is the trend of the product development. The trend of product development helps engineers predict and develop what could be the most likely improvement that can be made to a given product in future.

Here we are discussing one trend of evolution – dynamization of product. Dynamization means improvement of a system from an ‘immobile’ system to a ‘many jointed’ structure. Refer figure 1.

Figure 1 Trend of dynamization in evolution of products (Source Creax)


This simple example of ‘fork’ depicts evolution in dynamization. The author spotted this fork in a noodle box of Nestle’s Maggi Cuppa Mania. Please refer to the images below –

Figure 2 A Simple fork and how this can be made into a dynamic fork

The fork can be bent and placed in the cup and can be straightened for use. This improvement in the fork was done to help keep this fork in the cup of instant noodles product. The fork was a necessary requirement for this ‘anytime on the go’ ready to eat noodle cup to make it truly ‘anytime on the go’ product. The fork takes less space, fits in the size of the noodle cup easily and is robust enough to eat the prepared noodles.

Source for cup image is www.nestle.in

Published in feb 2009 'More Inspiration' Newsletter of Creax.

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